Walking it Out

A few months back while visiting family, I was able to take my grandsons to Home Depot for the Saturday morning workshop. I appreciate how they set up a table and provide materials and instructions for each child. At first I felt a bit disappointed as I thought we were attending a ‘class’ style event…

He Turns it Around

“I believe it’s not primary. It’s secondary.” My mind hit a wall – yet at the same time was spinning to keep up with all that was being said. Since the heavy pollen hit us with an early spring, Raphael has struggled again with his lungs. It was the same timeframe last year when he…

A Treasure

Like a priceless treasure, He came. As I reflect on our service yesterday, this is what came to my mind. It was such a holy anointing. A holy hush as we each were challenged to go deeper in our relationship with Christ. And it was so sweet to see the response at the altar as…

See Grace

One of my favorite hobbies is painting. I love having a pallet of colors and watching different hues being created as I mix various colors. For me it’s a time I enjoy quiet conversations with my Lord. He is the Master of creativity and I love to reflect on how much God must enjoy splashing…

One Simple Word

Trust. That’s the word I heard this morning. One simple word. But so much is wrapped up in the action behind the word. And so often I feel inadequate. Last night my heart was full. It was the last evening we had with my oldest son as he was in town for a friend’s wedding….

Fully Trusting

Faithfulness. His promise never fails. I may not always understand. I may have my questions of ‘why’s’ or ‘what if’s’. But no matter where I am in my emotional process, He remains faithful. Transplant happened in January. By all charts, he should feel better now. Yet the charts did not see unrelated issues. Today was…

In Faith We Stand

Three months after day 100….. It’s been awhile since I posted an update. Where to begin? With all that has happened since the transplant, it’s easy to wonder, “Does this mean transplant didn’t work?” The answer to the question is no. It is not a reflection on the effectiveness of the transplant. It’s just simply…

Today’s gathering. Just two. Plus One. On this Pentecost Sunday, we took time to worship Him together. We had just walked through a difficult week. Most of Saturday you could find our hands just like this – holding on to each other. Today I reflected on the past week. Early in the week he was…

I love working in the yard. Every year when it looks as if winter is over, I can be found shopping for pots, soil, seeds, plants and almost anything related to gardening. I love watching the different stages plants go through while they grow. Often I use rain water we collected in this blue tub…

Not Alone

Sunday. The day that I have always set aside as a day to go worship my Lord. But not today. Today was literally a day of rest as yesterday was a bit unsettling. Friday evening we needed to up the oxygen a bit. By Saturday, we knew we needed to adjust it more as his…